WARNING: Well, OK, so maybe “warning” is a bit strong a term, but at any rate what I want to tell you is that this post is not necessarily written for anyone else but me - something for me to look back on in the future so that I can remember this point in time and what I was doing and where I had been, educationally, speaking before. There are no photos and nothing especially captivating. Still, I do try to keep it all clear to anyone who does choose to read it - no mysteries or “who’s that” here, and I am writing it as if to a second person - you, whoever you might happen to be. If there was only one thing drilled into my head in my university junior year writing class it was the phrase: reader-based prose. That all said, here goes. . . I had only been here in Guanajuato a couple of days, but I figured I had better start getting back into the swing of things so as not to waste time and, probably more importantly, to get into a routine around which to shape my days. I thus d...