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Showing posts from May, 2018

Back to School!

WARNING: Well, OK, so maybe “warning” is a bit strong a term, but at any rate what I want to tell you is that this post is not necessarily written for anyone else but me - something for me to look back on in the future so that I can remember this point in time and what I was doing and where I had been, educationally, speaking before. There are no photos and nothing especially captivating. Still, I do try to keep it all clear to anyone who does choose to read it - no mysteries or “who’s that” here, and I am writing it as if to a second person - you, whoever you might happen to be. If there was only one thing drilled into my head in my university junior year writing class it was the phrase: reader-based prose. That all said, here goes. . . I had only been here in Guanajuato a couple of days, but I figured I had better start getting back into the swing of things so as not to waste time and, probably more importantly, to get into a routine around which to shape my days. I thus d...


Arrived! Well, it was a long time in coming, and now we, trusty kitty Rulla and I, are here. The last two nights were spent in a Extended Stay hotel in Winston, just behind Barnes and Noble, and let me start out by saying that it was the worst, though in an ironic sort of way. First of all, we were on the third floor...and there was no elevator. Three suitcases needing pruning down to two plus cat and catbox and cat little and food and......  It was awful. On top of that, whoever was the landscaper was definitely a form over function sort of person because it was almost impossible to get from car to room without having to walk over dirt and through plants. It was weird. Ridiculous. So just remember all that stuff I had to lug up three floors also had to be lugged through dirt and bushes. I mean, c'mon! To ice the cake, the washing room downstairs had four washers - three of which were out of order, and two of those seemed to be permanently out of order. Need change to use th...