Well, now that I wrote and posted about my first Oaxaca apartment, and then about the one I have just moved to, it is once again time to do some more time hopping and talk about where I spent almost two months during my time in Guanajuato and how that experience, and the fickled finger of fate (Ah! such nostalgia in those words!) led to my being in Oaxaca a few months earlier than I had planned on. I should add, after reading this once through before publishing it, that this post seems more about Rulla adjusting than about the room, so bear with me. At the time, making sure Rulla was OK, was high on my list of priorities. Anyway, to get on with the story, during my Guanajuato stay, I lived in two places. First I was at the AirBnB on the callejon Perros Muertos, which I have written about earlier within a couple of my early blog posts, but after that I moved to a room at the school where I was studying Spanish, and I will be writing about my days there very soon. I was not necess...